The 12 Best Android Tablet Apps

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iPads get all the press, but Android tablets are coming on strong. Here are 12 cool apps that show off Android’s capabilities, entertain you, and help you be more productive.

Techno Geek silhoutte‘s insight:

When we talk about mobile and mobile apps, we often lump tablets and smartphones in together. But while they both use apps from the same store, tablets often fill a different niche than smartphones, and great apps for phones aren’t always great apps for tablets.

I used a Nexus 7 tablet for my Android tablet testing (including most of the apps listed here), and I’m often disappointed when a developer doesn’t include at least a modified layout for when their app is used on a tablet. Not only does it just not feel special, it ignores that tablets serve a different purpose than phones.

Think about it: your phone is on your person all the time; it’s there for fast responses and notifications. It’s there to keep you connected to a fast moving world, and to waste small chunks of time. The apps for smartphones that do well don’t overstay their welcome, and make the most of smaller screens.

Tablets on the other hand aren’t always within reach—yours might be in your bag, or on your nightstand. They aren’t as portable, but they make up for it with spacious screens and (sometimes) faster processors. These are the devices that are made to connect us to visual media—eBooks, articles, and images. These are also devices we’re expected to spend more time with, not just quick breaks or subway commutes.

What’s more, developers don’t always have tablets in mind when they create their applications, and sometimes the feel of an app can get lost in translation. Developers have to make certain assumptions about screen size and hand position when they create their apps; assumptions that might not prove accurate on a tablet.

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